Exploring the Benefits of AARP Medicare Advantage Plans

Are you approaching the age of retirement or already enjoying your golden years? Then you’ve probably heard of AARP, one of the most well-known and reputable organizations for seniors. But did you know that they offer Medicare Advantage plans as well? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the benefits of AARP Medicare Advantage plans and how they can improve your overall healthcare experience.

What is AARP?

AARP, also known as the American Association of Retired Persons, was founded in 1958 and has since become the largest advocacy group for seniors in the United States. It boasts over 38 million members and offers a variety of services, including discounts, resources, and advice on various topics related to aging.

What are Medicare Advantage Plans?

Exploring the Benefits of AARP Medicare Advantage Plans

Before we explore the benefits of AARP’s Medicare Advantage plans, it’s important to understand what they are. Medicare Advantage plans, also known as Part C plans, are offered by private insurance companies as an alternative to Original Medicare (Parts A and B). These plans must provide at least the same coverage as Original Medicare, and many also offer additional benefits such as prescription drug coverage, dental, vision, and hearing services.

Now, let’s dive into the benefits of AARP Medicare Advantage plans.

More Comprehensive Coverage

Exploring the Benefits of AARP Medicare Advantage Plans

One of the main benefits of AARP Medicare Advantage plans is their comprehensive coverage. As mentioned earlier, these plans are required to provide at least the same coverage as Original Medicare, but many go above and beyond by offering additional benefits.

For example, AARP Medicare Advantage plans often include prescription drug coverage, which can be crucial for seniors who may have multiple medications to manage. Some plans even offer coverage for dental, vision, and hearing services, which are not covered under Original Medicare.

How to Use:

To fully take advantage of the comprehensive coverage offered by AARP Medicare Advantage plans, it’s important to understand what services and benefits each specific plan offers. Be sure to thoroughly review the details of each plan before enrolling to ensure you are getting the coverage you need.


Let’s say you have a chronic health condition that requires expensive medications. With an AARP Medicare Advantage plan, you could potentially save a significant amount of money on your prescriptions compared to paying for them out-of-pocket or with a standalone Part D plan.

Another example is if you need regular dental check-ups and cleanings, which are not covered under Original Medicare. With an AARP Medicare Advantage plan, you may be able to get these services for little to no cost, promoting better oral health and potentially preventing more serious issues down the road.


When comparing AARP Medicare Advantage plans to Original Medicare, the additional benefits and services offered by the former can greatly outweigh the limited coverage of the latter. Additionally, AARP Medicare Advantage plans often have lower out-of-pocket costs than Original Medicare, making them a more affordable option for many seniors.

More Personalized Care

Another benefit of AARP Medicare Advantage plans is the focus on personalized care. These plans often have more restrictions on provider networks, meaning you are likely to see the same healthcare providers for all of your medical needs. This can lead to better communication and coordination between your various doctors and specialists.

How to Use:

To take full advantage of the personalized care offered by AARP Medicare Advantage plans, it’s important to choose a plan with a provider network that includes your current doctors or ones you trust. You may also want to consider any potential future medical needs when selecting a plan.


Let’s say you have a primary care physician you’ve been seeing for years, but they are not in the network for Original Medicare. This means you would have to switch doctors or pay out-of-pocket for their services. However, if you have an AARP Medicare Advantage plan and your doctor is in the network, you can continue seeing them without any additional costs.


When comparing AARP Medicare Advantage plans to Original Medicare, the personalized care aspect of the former can greatly improve the overall healthcare experience. With Original Medicare, you may have to see different doctors for different medical needs, potentially leading to confusion and miscommunication. With an AARP Medicare Advantage plan, you can have one primary care physician overseeing all of your health needs.

More Affordable Costs

A common misconception about Medicare Advantage plans is that they are more expensive than Original Medicare. However, this is not always the case, especially with AARP Medicare Advantage plans.

These plans often have lower out-of-pocket costs, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Some plans even have $0 premiums, meaning you won’t have to pay anything each month for your coverage.

How to Use:

To make the most of the affordable costs of AARP Medicare Advantage plans, it’s important to compare the various plans available in your area. Look at the premiums, copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles for each plan to find the one that best fits your budget and healthcare needs.


Let’s say you need a knee replacement surgery. With Original Medicare, you would have to pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the surgery, which could potentially be thousands of dollars. However, with an AARP Medicare Advantage plan, you may only have to pay a small copayment for the surgery.


When comparing AARP Medicare Advantage plans to Original Medicare, the more affordable costs offered by the former can greatly reduce the financial burden of healthcare for seniors. This can lead to better access to necessary medical services and improved overall health outcomes.

More Wellness Programs and Services

Another benefit of AARP Medicare Advantage plans is the focus on wellness programs and services. These plans often include gym memberships, nutrition counseling, and disease management programs at no additional cost to the member.

How to Use:

To take full advantage of the wellness programs and services offered by AARP Medicare Advantage plans, it’s important to understand what is included in each plan. Look for programs and services that align with your personal health goals and needs.


Let’s say you have a chronic health condition that can be managed through proper nutrition and exercise. With an AARP Medicare Advantage plan, you may have access to a nutritionist and gym membership at no extra cost, making it easier to manage your condition and improve your overall health.


When comparing AARP Medicare Advantage plans to Original Medicare, the additional wellness programs and services offered by the former can greatly improve the quality of life for seniors. Instead of just managing medical conditions, these programs and services focus on prevention and promoting overall wellness.

More Flexibility with Out-of-Network Coverage

While Medicare Advantage plans typically have more restrictions on provider networks compared to Original Medicare, AARP Medicare Advantage plans offer more flexibility when it comes to out-of-network coverage. This means you may still be able to see a doctor or specialist who is not in the network and have some, if not all, of the costs covered by your plan.

How to Use:

To fully utilize the out-of-network coverage offered by AARP Medicare Advantage plans, it’s important to understand the specific details of each plan. Some plans may have strict requirements for using out-of-network providers, while others may offer more flexibility.


Let’s say you are traveling and need to see a doctor who is not in the network for your AARP Medicare Advantage plan. Depending on the specific plan, you may still be able to see that doctor and have some or all of the costs covered by your plan.


When comparing AARP Medicare Advantage plans to Original Medicare, the increased flexibility with out-of-network coverage offered by the former can provide peace of mind for seniors who may need to see specialists outside of their network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I keep my current doctor with an AARP Medicare Advantage plan?

A: It depends on the specific plan and if your doctor is in the provider network. Be sure to check before enrolling.

Q: Are there any restrictions on which pharmacies I can use with AARP Medicare Advantage plans?

A: Yes, most plans have a preferred list of pharmacies, but some may offer out-of-network coverage as well.

Q: Do AARP Medicare Advantage plans cover dental, vision, and hearing services?

A: Some plans do include coverage for these services, but it varies by plan. Check the details before enrolling.

Q: Can I switch between different AARP Medicare Advantage plans?

A: Yes, you can switch during the annual enrollment period each year or during a special enrollment period if certain criteria are met.

Q: Are there any additional costs for joining AARP and enrolling in their Medicare Advantage plans?

A: No, there is no additional cost for joining AARP or enrolling in an AARP Medicare Advantage plan.


In conclusion, AARP Medicare Advantage plans offer numerous benefits for seniors, including comprehensive coverage, personalized care, affordable costs, wellness programs and services, and flexibility with out-of-network coverage. As always, it’s important to carefully review the details of each plan to ensure it meets your healthcare needs and budget. With an AARP Medicare Advantage plan, you can enjoy a more holistic and improved healthcare experience in your golden years.

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